Cape May pelagic
This past Friday I went on a 12-hour birding and marine life pelagic boat trip out of Cape May. I was hoping to see jaegers (parasitic or possibly a pomarine), a couple different shearwaters or some other surprise birds. Unfortunately, the only truly pelagic birds seen on the trip were some northern gannets, and they were on the inshore portion of the trip. The only surprise birds we saw offshore were a couple of yellow-rumped warblers and a blackpoll warbler about 50 miles out. As it turned out, they were the only birds we saw that far out. The trip, however, was salvaged by the whales we encountered on our way out and on our return to inshore waters. In all, we saw seven humpback whales and a rarely encountered North Atlantic right whale. On the way out, one of the humpback whales was very accommodating. For what seemed like over a half hour, it surfaced time after time near the boat. After surfacing and diving along one sid...